The allair® has been developed for the dry sorting of coal. This combines the benefits of sorting via pulsing with the benefits of dry processing – meaning that there is no need to treat the washing water or to dewater the products, for example. Today, the patented allair® system is additionally used in the processing of secondary materials such as slag and construction waste.
Sustainable processing with allair®
Coal: Dry sorting performed with the allair® air jig increases the calorific value of the coal while achieving a significant reduction in the ash and sulphur content. The investment and operating costs are significantly lower than with wet processing as there is zero handling of water.
As the allair® air jig successfully separates materials such as pyrite from the raw coal, it helps cut the SO2 emissions generated through the burning of coal. The amount of maintenance and cleaning work required in the power plant is also reduced.
Coal consumers can rely on the allair® air jig to reduce their repair workload and increase the calorific value of the coal they use.
Construction waste and slag: Since this form of processing is completely free of any undesired reactions involving water, active cement and minerals collected during the processing of construction waste can be fed back into the circuit. The allair® air jig remains a shining example of sustainable processing as it does not pollute water with heavy metals from the processing of slag, for example.
The benefits of allair® technology
The allair® air jig helps coal producers by turning increased quality and productivity into a competitive advantage. Given the low costs associated with the allair® air jig, coal that would previously have been dumped or not mined at all as a result of its high ash or sulphur content can now be turned into a market-ready product through economical processing.
> High efficiency and low maintenance > Sorting performed using only air > No need to treat waste water or slurry > Broad range of grain sizes and high throughput > Reliable and user-friendly > Stable product quality even with variations in feed material > Easy to configure/optimise in operation > Automatic yield regulation with density measurement and discharge control > Consistent product grade/separation > Less maintenance demand > Modular design > Can be easily incorporated into an existing operation > Easily relocatable > Completely dry separation (ESG)
Technical specifications
allair® air jigs process grain sizes of up to 50 mm. They are also suitable for sorting primary and secondary raw materials, provided that the substances to be separated feature different densities.
> Applications: coal, slag and recycling materials > Throughputs ranging from 20 to 80 t/h per machine unit > Grain sizes from 0.1 to 50 mm > Electronic sensors for permanent detection and control > Automatic discharge of heavy feed > Stable product quality even with varying feed material composition
In addition to the allair® for fixed installation, we also offer a portable version of our celebrated air jig. This delivers benefits as soon as material is mined from deposits, with the allair® mobile helping to simplify the pre-sorting procedure.
The modularity of the allair® mobile makes it possible to install an independent generator-operated processing plant in no time at all – and also optimise product flows.